Saturday, November 29, 2008

Engagement, Thanksgiving, green friday, and ray of light concert.

What a crazy 4 days it has been!
Let's start with Wednesday:
Aaron and Joan are happily engaged now. YAY! :D
Congratulations to them!
Had an awesome time bonding with family and having a tim tam slam with my brother!
Green Friday, ugh.
haha, i worked 10 hours, and customers are crazy. LOL.
DINGed 70 on my death knight! WOOHOO!
Saturday (Today):
Ray of Light Concert! Cant wait! :D
Third Day and Brandon Heath, double nice! :D

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving~

happy thanksgiving everyone!

i am most thankful for...

Monday, November 24, 2008


so i'm back.
the weather has been awesome lately. :)

work hasnt been. LOL!
just been busy on and off and its driving me crazy.
and i dislike driving home in traffic.
it sucks.

anyways, please subscribe to AND

:D it will make me UBER happy.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Baby it's cold outside...

Gotta love the weather. I want it to be this cold forever!
Hahahaha. That's it; for now. ;)

Bbl. Promise.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008



Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Save the drama for your mama (srsly).

i hate drama.
drama is pointless.
it's stupid.
it creates more drama.
it's bad for the heart.
it's just bad in general.

i don't throw that word 'hate' around a lot.
and this is something i truly despise.
i hate how drama can tear friendships down and break them completely.
i hate how drama can never be solved because it grows into something HUGE and unending.

i hate it. this just needs to stop.

I'm proud to be an American...

Today is Veteran's day! And I just want to take this time to thank ALL the soldiers and sailors that have given themselves in order to server this wonderful nation. I would also like to thank those that are currently serving our country and those service men and women who wake up day in and day out to keep our country safe.

thank you all! God bless America!

Sunday, November 9, 2008


I love my family. I cannot stop thanking God for every waking moment He gives me to spend time with my family. Today was a great high for me. Today we celebrated the 1st birthday of one of my cousin/nephew (idk what to call him, haha). It was just such a great feeling to see the whole Sejalbo clan together again! My parents actually came and it really was nice to just hang out with my cousins and just reminisce. It was almost like we were back together again, kids at the Kuhina street house, being crazy. The only person missing was Billy. :( COME HOME ALREADY! Haha..

And what made things even more overwhelming, is seeing the children that were babies, all grown up and big now! I remember when Evyn and Gerrick were still babies and now dang, they are almost my height! Haha, makes me short AND old. xD And seeing Stanley's kids. Chase and Chasely.. seeing Chase is so much like Stanley, it's crazy. Talk about deja vu. I LOVE IT.

Can't wait for the Spring Life TEen retreat! Us Sejalbos gonna show Life Teen what it's all about. ;) Fo' sho!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

God didn't say to be busy, he said to be FRUITFUL.

So, today was a good day. :) Probably one of my better days this year! Haha, and that's been a lot of days. It started off with the gifts discernment workshop held at the Church. I go to a lot of these things, but this was a difference experience; I was able to experience it with my Mom and my brother Chris.

I really appreciate being able to spend time, especially in the Lord, with my family. It's another way we can grow together and it helps strengthen our bond as a family. Although we had difficult times sharing and explaining things to Chris, it really was my close moment to God this week. And I haven't felt a close moment so powerful since, only God knows when. Hm... I love my family so much, I am so thankful that God has placed them in my life.

Another reason today was a REALLY good day was because I was able to partake in the sacrament of Reconciliation. I hardly ever go because I always chicken out or I am working. But today, I put aside my fear, because at the workshop fear is an obstacle, and faced Father, and Jesus today. It was such a refreshing feeling to hear and KNOW that I am absolved from my sins. I am a clean-slate again and I am even more worthy to do God's will.

AAAND lastly, it would probably be the fact that I was able to hang out with some friends from high school. Thanks again Joe and Jay for inviting me. :) It's always great to just kick back and watch a movie while just chatting up a storm about how racist High School Musical is. Haha, and it's a Disney movie right? I love my friends. :) Thanks again, Joe, Jay, Cibyl, Resty (ArrrJaaay), Cindy, Gene and your driver, Ben for just a great night. :) It was a great way to end my week.

Hope you had a great day as well!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

My heart yearns for you Lord...

I dont know what's happening. I see the world unfold around me and people falling a part. I have never been so disappointed so much this week. It hurts my heart. Lord, please help me to be the strong person you made me to be. I don't know what else to do but pray.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

An election to remember...

It's a big day today. November 4, 2008. 4 Years ago we voted our President into his last term as president. Today, people all over the nation are voting for someone to take over and govern over this country. It's crazy. Two candidates; Barack Obama and John McCain. I've never seen a race for president so intense. From debates and rallies, it's gonna be a big one. 2008 is the year for new directions. I really don't want to state who I voted for, but i know this; i voted for life.

Let's hope our new president will really help America change for a better future.