Monday, September 7, 2009

because i didn't post it here...

August 2009.
(In no particular order):
Nate's special olympics game,
Jay's bday,
Kidnapped <3,
Boys Like Girls,
late night conversations,
epic games of starcraft,
Tantalus sunrise,
Chilis w/ coworkers,
not leaving for San Francisco,
Streetcar Supreme,
District 9,
GI Joe,
BJ Penn fight w/ friends,
Time Traveler's Wife,
Willy Wonka adventure,
ROCKBAND/Guitar Hero/Gears of War,
Donuts at the top of Hawaiian Brian's,
turning into MUSH,
BCC YA Retreat #7,
Francis' going away/Sarah's bday party,
REDLINING the rb25,
almost getting a new car,
getting wasted for the last time,
congratulations mr and mrs christopher sadie,
deleting my myspace,
buying a dress i will probably NEVER wear,
first time trying 5hr energy drink and ruining myself in the process xD,
meeting BJ Penn and getting his autograph,
losing 7lbs in one month,
diamond head drive at 12am xD,
Finding someone to help heal my overbroken heart.
Life Teen Retreat meeting,
Karaoke at Aaron's parents place,
Watching Dating in the Dark w/ Shar.
ponyo (haha, thanks Dinah!).

There's probably more, but that's what i can remember.
Goodbye August 2009.
September got its work cut out for it. xD
And September is doing pretty good so far...


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